Thursday, October 31, 2013

Customer quilts

Recently I had the pleasure of quilting these two lap quilts made by two local quilters. They had chosen backs of Fireside, which is what I refer to as the country cousin of minky - it is isn’t as long a fibre and is looped rather than straight. But, you have to be on your best behaviour when you work with it! Besides the bit of stretch, it also creates a bit of dust and lint. But, it makes a soft, cuddly quilt - perfect to curl up in these cool fall nights.

I am still struggling with finding the best place to photograph quilts so there are some color variations on these shots. But, you get the idea.

I quilted beadboard on the borders of both and then had fun with some freehand continuous quilting in the centre. There is a bit of ruler work in the second one in order to make those smooth circles.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Continuous quilting

This is a quilt I finished recently - another comfort quilt for the Monday Marvels. 
I am still searching for the best location to photograph finished quilts so there are some color differences on these photos.
I used a continuous quilting design and complementary thread.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Some things that happened today were meant to happen. Or, perhaps they were simply a product of my own willingness to deviate from what I felt I should be doing and instead, doing what I wanted to do. Whatever the reason, the effect was overwhelmingly joyful and I found myself smiling and laughing to myself as I drove back home.

First off, I met up with the lovely Lorette of Spruce it Up Quilting at the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival. The festival is in its 6th year and transforms the charming town of Amherst, Nova Scotia into a fibre mecca for five days. Sadly, this was the first year I had carved the time to make that 40 minute trek down the highway, but on the bright side, I will make sure to get there another year.

I spent some time wandering through the Zonta Fibre Arts Bazaar and managed to spend time promoting my newest favorite fibre group, SAQA Atlantic. I had chats with a number of vendors including Heidi Wulfraat who has a beautiful array of hand dyed yarns and Felicia Knock with her gorgeous selection of hand dyed wools. I had an interesting conversation with a couple who live on 28 acres; we talked about chickens (love!), bobcats and cougars, minks, pig farming, chopping wood, tatting, and kids! The other booths featured hand made glass buttons, felting, jewellery, hooked work, fabric and so much more!

After leaving the bazaar, I headed down the street to find the First Baptist Church where the Cumberland Quilters were hosting their quilt show. They had decorated the beautiful and historic church with their members’ quilts and rugs while Jackie of The Fabric Cupboard had set up shop within the vestibule. And this is when my day got even more interesting.....

Before I left this exhibit, I asked if there was another quilt show on as I had read in the brochure that there was, but I hadn’t been able to locate it. One of the women told me that no, there wasn’t. I was a bit surprised, but assumed that one had been cancelled, or the date changed. Off I went. 

As I headed down the sidewalk, I saw a woman struggling with a sign. She hesitated and looked back at me. She made a comment I didn’t really understand, something about moving the sign for Alan. I asked if the sign had blown over. No, it hadn’t, but it was too heavy for Alan, the church custodian. I smiled and started to move on. Then she asked me if I had been to their quilt show. Ah, noo, I haven't.....Come with me, she said, there is still time.

Slightly bewildered I followed her across the courtyard to Christ Church where a show by Quilt Expressions, an Amherst based quilt group was displayed. Once again the quilters had made use of a lovely, small historic church and had draped the pews with many beautiful quilts, many hand quilted, with extensive quilting, as was pointed out to me. 

The conversations I had during this next half hour were just such a re-inforcement that the world is indeed a small place and that there are connections everywhere. Walking through the doorway, I met up with an old quilting acquaintance and learned her two granddaughters are currently studying at two of the universities my children graduated from - STFX and McGill - so we chuckled over that coincidence. A woman standing beside her had just moved back to this area after living in a community near my parents home on PEI and her son was best friends with a cousin of mine. Then she mentioned a name I knew well; a friend of my family’s, but mainly of my Mom’s, who had just been there to pick up an item to take back to my parents home church. Then the woman from the sidewalk and I talked some more and discovered we shared the same married name, with different spellings.....Hmmm. 

Lately I have been struggling with finding, no, taking the time to create. There always seems to be something else that takes me away from working on my fibre projects and artistic pursuits. I keep saying, well, if I can just get through this week, there will be more time to focus on that. And then the next week seems fuller than the last. 

I am aware that today event’s might seem of no interest or value to some, but I know that these are messages meant for me. And I am going to take some time to interpret them and see where it takes me next in this journey of mine. And I know my Mom is with me every step of the way.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pressed flowers

I re-discovered a small flower press my Mom gave me years ago and realized it was still jam packed with a collection of wild flowers of the past.

I decided to press a few flowers I still have blooming away in my window boxes. Of course, now I am wondering about the possibility of pressing them with fabric.....I am sure I need to do some research on that idea.

For now we are enjoying amazingly warm temperatures for October days. Loving it!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Freehand Continuous Quilting

This is the quilt I am currently finishing up. I took some quick shots with my iPhone so the quality is a bit grainy - sorry about that. 

I have to admit, I sure love freehand quilting! I have really enjoyed working on this one.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lately my days have been full. I have little free time and seem to be going at top speed trying to fit everything in that needs to be done. When I am not physically working toward meeting deadlines and completing projects, my mind is racing, full of lists, reviewing procedures, reminding myself of what needs to be done and what takes top priority. I would like to say what keeps me that busy and consumed is of incredible importance to more than just myself, but when I stop and really look, the truth that my busyness is a creation of my own always comes back to me full force.

Paying off bills and putting funds towards future adventures has certainly played a part in what occupies my waking hours. What keeps me awake at night is what I want to be accomplishing in my creative side of life. That is the part of my life where I tend to dip in and use my allocated time for things other than creating. I am sure some, if not many, can relate.

I have been completing some longarm projects, but I hestitate to share them because I have yet to find the best photo spot for my work. Areas in my house and yard are either under exposed or over exposed. I can’t seem to hit a compromise. I know the quilts look great but my photos don’t really give them the due they deserve. Finding the best lighting and location for shooting will continue to be a priority.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October Heat

We have been enjoying the most amazing weather, especially the past three days! The temperature has been in the mid-20’s and our evenings are so beautiful and warm that you are tempted to sleep outdoors. Well, at least I am.

There are still lots of flowers in the window boxes and pots, and tomatoes are still growing in the heat of the day.

I would really like it to stay like this all year round.....please......

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Stories in Stitches Revisited

My sister took these photos of the St Paul’s Show so I could share them here. What a magnificent setting for these pieces of art.

To read and see more, check out Susan Purney Mark’s blog as well as this interview on CBC. And there is more on Cathy Miller’s blog!!

The show was a resounding success with 1300 people passing through the doors to view the displays! Quilts, hooked rugs, needlepoint, cross stitch - they included all forms of needlework. Plus you got to see the beauty that is St Paul’s, a heritage property in the heart of downtown Charlottetown.


The show was a resounding success with 1300 people passing through the doors to view the displays! Quilts, hooked rugs, needlepoint, cross stitch - they included all forms of needlework. Plus you got to see the beauty that is St Paul’s, a heritage property in the heart of downtown Charlottetown.
