Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dylan’s Quilt

Life is hectic these days, but I work on maintaining a focus and keep plodding along. To help keep me feeling productive, I have been working on several “older” projects lately. I am trying to finish them up and move them along to better homes than the shelf they have been languishing on far...tooo...long....

I am an PEI water babe and use water related themes a lot in my work!

This is a smallish quilt of Margaret Rolfe’s design that I started earlier in my quilting career. Like many of us, I tend to “save” pieces of fabric for special projects. Over time I have also learned that the longer you save these pieces, the harder it seems to be to make that first cut and commit them to a piece. Well, I have been undergoing a transformation of sorts and am now of the mind to use whatever, whenever and however feels right! The backing for this quilt is a piece of my stash of Hoffman sky fabric that I loved so much I bought about 10 meters....and used small bits here and there, but always keeping the biggest hunk for that special quilt I was sure to recognize needed it....and so the fabric sat on my shelf and I bypassed it over and over again.

Well, I needed a backing, I was tired of looking, I spied the Hoffman in a stack, held it up against the top and bingo! It was just what I needed! And I have lots left! So, I basted and hand quilted - a luxury these days! - and am now finishing up the binding. It will feel good to finish and have one more project off the UFO list! And it will feel good to share a favorite fabric with a favorite little guy! And hopefully my little grand-nephew will enjoy having his own dolphins to watch and swim with in his dreams.... 

I missed hooking up this week but you should go to The Needle and Thread Network and see what my fellow Canadian quilt bloggers are up to!


  1. Nice to finish up an older piece. Your grand=nephew will love it! So glad you mentioned Margaret Rolfe...I have one of her books and I think it is where I will find a pattern I need to make a baby quilt.  

  2. Joanne Scantlebury MuckartJuly 5, 2012 at 5:38 PM

    Beautiful Jen! Dylan will love it :)
