Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stamping again!

My current employment situation is affording me the most time I have had in 12 summers to really stop and enjoy the beauty of this season. I am outdoors as much as I can without totally ignoring some of the more basic household duties. Since my two children went off to university, I have become a very lazy cook, so I eat lots of raw and basic when my hubby is not available to cater to my every culinary whim. Today was a day of iced tea by the potful and I am thinking popcorn would be a finish to my salad. That is as much cooking as I will do.

Everyone should have offspring who buy them a lovely tea infuser and keep them supplied with tea bags!
When my son came home for Christmas in June, he brought with him two large sheets of Safety Kut that I had asked him to pick up at Curry’s Art Supplies. This material is so soft and easy to use and I was itching to try it out. Today was just the day for it and I carved two simple designs and tried them out on some dyed fabric. I can see there are some modifications that need to be made to the hat, but the large open area will allow me to paint in the color of brim I want. Am really enjoying my stylized snail. 
I am an Island girl without her island so all things ocean/beach are in my blood

I also did some sketching and even pulled out my travel watercolor set and painted a bit. Must be summer!

I love berries so much that I actually have a handmade pottery bowl that I only use for eating berries! Raspberries are my all time favorite with blueberries running a tight second.

I am not used to so much free time so I am not settled into a schedule or routine as yet. I am enjoying rediscovering projects and ideas and just looking over my sketch books is getting me inspired. I also have so many quilting and drawing related books I want to read that I have a hard time making myself put them down at bedtime! I have no clear idea yet of one specific project to work on but am enjoying working piecemeal on odds and ends.

Today I am hooking up to the The Needle and Thread Network and wishing all my fellow Canadian quilters a belated Happy Canada Day!


  1. You do such neat work.....things I have never seen before....great to see new things.

  2. Your tea infuser is amazing! I need one of those.  Love your little hats. 

  3. Oh, Jennifer.  I am relating.  If anything happens to hubby I'll starve to death.  lol  Mind you, I'd eat raspberries!  Lovely tea set up although I'm for coffee. Those stamps are wonderful.  Great stuff for when you hit your stride!

  4. Hi Jennifer.....on the rag quilt question; yes, I use the corners. This won't fray like they are suppose to; but makes a nice cozy quilt for a baby.

  5. Susan Being SnippyJuly 5, 2012 at 9:37 AM

    I know just how you feel about leisure time.  I have been a stay at home, maybe call it retired for 10 years and I still have no real schedule.  My schedule is to make sure my husband goes to work on time!  My town, Abbotsford, BC is the raspberry capital of Canada and only about 1.5 hours from ocean beaches...

  6. Joanne Scantlebury MuckartJuly 5, 2012 at 5:31 PM

    Love your stamps Jen! You could easily make and market those!:) Wonderful sketch!! you could make into fabric panels and sell for cushion making! Great stuff!:)

  7. You carved the stamp yourself??  That is awesome.  I love stamping, but of course I buy mine and I've only ever used them on paper projects, not fabric.  I love your raspberry watercolor too.  And I hear you about the summer cooking, only my weakness is coffee with light cream and sugar.  And it can be pretty filling, but alas not that healthy!

  8. I sure enjoyed my visit , you are a talented artist and I love the sketch with the raspberries , my favorite berry for sure.Thanks so much for sharing and I will be back.

  9. Thanks! They look adorable and so soft!

  10. Lucky you on all accounts!!

  11. Thanks for all your kind comments, Jo!!

  12. Carving stamps is very easy and lots of fun! Perhaps not as detailed as one might like them for all projects, but they have their charm. And I was a serious coffee connoisseur for a very long time and would looooove to indulge in something besides tea and decaf....sigh. When I had to give it up, I shipped all my coffee beans to my son just to be sure I stuck with the I did keep my travelling coffee press that I scored at Value Village though-for decaf in style at quilt retreats and workshops!

  13. Thanks so much, Sheila!! Welcome!
