Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fleeting Summer

I don’t know about you, but when August arrives, I usually start to take just a little more time to really pay attention to the fleeting days of summer. I try to focus on working on my projects, but it seems being outdoors wins most times. Going for walks, riding our bikes, finding a beach or a river for swimming....when you live in Eastern Canada, the time you have to do these activities is limited. 

I also like to take advantage of recording the beauty and mystery of summer with photographs. Looking at these images is usually what will carry me through the coldest and most desolate of winter days. So, yesterday I visited my Mom’s quiet little garden and captured some summer for later inspiration.....


  1. Your photography is beautiful.  And your right, summer is fleeting here in the Maritimes, but I must admit I love our Sept/Oct months too.

  2. I enjoy them as well but summer just seems so fast for I get older, I seem to relish this time of year so much more. My favorite fall months are the ones when it is still warm enough to go swimming at the beach!
