Monday, February 25, 2013

My weekend in photos

I spent this weekend at our quilt guild’s winter retreat. For the first time in three years, there wasn’t a snowstorm on Friday and everyone was able to travel worry free! We hold our retreat in Sussex, a small community about an hours drive from Moncton, so snow can make getting there and back stressful.

After we were set up and working away, I looked around the room and noticed the large number of these beauties being used.....

Singer Featherweights seem to be the retreat sewing machine of choice for quilters; they are easy to transport and are the work horse of the straight stitch. They have also increased in price exponentially as their popularity has risen. 

There were also some of these helping provide atmosphere at our table.....

When my roomie and I realized we had a fridge and a microwave in our room, we made a quick trip to the Superstore to buy some lunches we could heat up. These potted tulips beaconed to Nancy, so they were added to her shopping cart. They were meant to brighten our room, but they ended up staying near our sewing machines. It was a bonus for the group at our table because we all got to enjoy them!

The restaurant attached to the hotel is a 50’s diner and for breakfast you can’t beat their cooked porridge with brown sugar and milk! I am also enamoured with their jukebox that has been modified to play CD’s.....

I could happily own one of these puppies! I would put it right next to my longarm. Santa! Are you listening??

When I got home Sunday, my hubby and I headed out for a trip on the woods on our snowshoes. We explored a bit of trail we hadn’t been on before and ran into a friend and his dog as we headed back up a hill. By then I was fine with stopping for a chat. Quilt retreats involve sitting too much, snacking too much, talking a lot, very late nights and possibly more wine than is required. I welcomed some recovery time on that incline.

We often snowshoe through a nearby maple sugar camp and every winter I take photos of the buildings. I suspect this building may not last many more years......

I hate to see it fall into disrepair, but I have some plans to use this image in some art work very soon. I love the juxtaposition of the lines and the wonkiness it portrays. 

And I love the grain and color of the wood of this weather beaten building....

I enjoy taking detail photos and when I saw these leaves, I had to stop and snap a few.....

I could have spent hours focusing on the frozen drips if I had my “real” camera with me. And on another day, I think I will do just that.


  1. I know people who would build furniture and trays out of that old wood! I hope, once it does fall down that someone reclaims the wood for further use! Looks like you ad a fun weekend.

  2. What a great way to repurpose the old wood! I seem to see an awful lot of barns and farmhouse garages falling down these days so there must be a supply waiting to be used.
