Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The faster I go.....

I was determined that this was to be a productive day. And it was, yet I was plagued with dumb mistakes every step of the way.

I have hand dyed and painted fabric for a very long time and although I use these fabrics, I still have a small stack of my favorites that I have been hoarding. This photo doesn’t do this fabric justice - you will have to trust me that is a beautiful, rich red and until today, I have only snipped very, very small pieces off the outside edges. Finally I decided it was the perfect background for a small piece I am working on. Pleased with my choice, I pressed and cut.....and in doing so, cut a hole right in the centre! Yes, I will work around it, but still it made me shake my head in disgust at myself. 

That seemed to set the tone and I proceeded to break machine needles, drop hand sewing needles, chase bobbins across the floor, get paint where I didn’t want it, and on and on.....what is that saying about the faster I go, the behinder I get? I finally got smart, walked away from my work, baked some muffins, went for a run, regrouped and started again. 

Things went a little better after that. Thank goodness.

Because other people have been much more productive and made less work for themselves than I have, I am connecting with The Needle and Thread Network. Check them out!


  1. LOL....we all have those days Jennifer. Just keep moving.....

  2. Hi Jennifer - good for you for stepping away, making muffins and going for a run; then coming back with a fresh mind. We all need to learn how to do that. I hope you and yours have a great Easter Weekend, these holiday weekends are not easy the first couple of years - I will be thinking about you and your family. xoxoxoxo Barbara

  3. Been there, done that, though usually not as graceful ......

  4. Ooooohh. All that is maddening to be sure. So wise to walk away and come back later. That's what I try to do, and not fight it. That red does look intriguing. No wonder you love it so.

  5. Thanks, Marjorie! I have to keep telling myself that some days.

  6. Thanks! I guess you just have to laugh at yourself and move on, eh?

  7. I am pretty stubborn sometimes, so it takes me a bit to process that I am not making progress. The day did end up being productive which is a good thing!

  8. Hi Barbara! Well, it takes me a while to clue in to my own destructive ways sometimes. This week has had it moments, yesterday was a struggle and I suspect that is why the day just didn’t play out as I hoped. We will spend a night with Dad this weekend and I am happy to be seeing him, but Easter is tough. Life is still surreal. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and I hope you and Suzie have fun looking for the Easter bunny! Jen xo
