Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Simone!

25 years ago today the attending R2 made it across the base on her bicycle in Goose Bay, Labrador in 4 minutes flat and one minute later, delivered my beautiful daughter, Simone! Probably the doctor’s saving grace for that midnight bike ride was that for that summer only, the province of Newfoundland was using double daylight savings, so it was quite light out. Still, we were very thankful she was fit and an avid biker!

That auspicious beginning was the start of the wild ride we have been on with our daughter every since! She hopped instead of crawled, ran instead of walked, climbed every chance she got, and constantly gave her older brother a run for his money. My Dad called her Perpetual Motion, we called her the Challenge Child and my Mom called her Birth Control!! 

Simone has always kept us on our toes, and entertained. She was born a Drama Diva and although her heart has her centre stage, she has chosen the worthy profession of Physiotherapy to make her mark on the world. These past years, and especially these past weeks have been busy and full for her, and she has accomplished much and achieved many milestones as she completes her MA and moves on into the world of employment.

My daughter never needs to prove herself to me, yet unwittingly she does just that time and time again. The past year has been difficult for us all, and no less so for Simone. Losing her beloved Gram has been tough for her, but she knows Grandma believed in her and had faith in her ability to succeed and she carries that strength in her heart wherever she goes. Simone has been a strong shoulder for me to lean on these past months and often the voice of common sense, just when I need it most.
I couldn’t be more proud of this daughter of mine. She is kind, caring and thoughtful, and just a little bit crazy. Her smile lights up a room and she lights up my heart. She is my favorite girl and I love her like no other. Happy Birthday, Simone! Big smooches and huge hugs from your mumsie xoxox

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