Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A little more about Road to California 2014

This morning when we got up, the temperature was -2! It only reached a wet, windy high of 8 degrees and someone remarked to me that if it really were the fall (which it feels) we would at least dress for the weather. No one wants to pull out their toques and mitts, but really? Well, if we were sensible, we would. But, sensible does not abound in these parts apparently. Today I saw more shorts and bare feet and bare arms than I have for days. Meanwhile I am wrapped in three layers, a scarf around my neck, shoulders up to my ears and anxious to get home so I can stuff a heated magic bag in my sweater! I am still sporting wool socks and flannel pj’s to bed and any tan I might have gotten last month while in Cozumel has long ago faded to pasty white. Sigh. 

Well, I am trying to keep warm thoughts and that brings me back to California. While there I had the pleasure of taking classes with numerous instructors. Lisa Sipes and Pam Clarke were both longarmers I had become familiar with and classes with both provided me with lots of tips, techniques and possibilities. Lisa is a relaxed, casual teacher and displays obvious skill on the longarm.

Pam is very, very organized and has developed a method of marking and quilting that is pretty much fool proof. As she says, when you have quilted as many quilts as she has, you need to be organized and use a method that you know will deliver.
I also had the pleasure of speaking with the very gracious, Alex Anderson of The Quilt Show fame. She was there representing the show and took the time to speak and pose with everyone and anyone. She was chatty and gave me a friendly jab of her elbow when I teased her about the trials of being a superstar! lol
Road to California attracts a large number of Canadians, mostly snowbirds who winter in Palm Springs, and mainly from the western provinces. On the day we were to take a class from Angela Walters who unfortunately got the flu and had to cancel, we posed with a couple of fellow Canadian classmates. We seemed to meet up with Colleen (second from the left) quite a bit and always enjoyed some laughs with her.
For a group that is missing out on a class with Angela, we look fairly happy. I know we were all very disappointed, but I think unexpectedly having a free day to spend shopping here...
helped keep our spirits up.

I normally don’t pose for photos since I am usually the photographer, but I am glad I did during that trip. It is proof positive that I did attend and that I did meet those great instructors and all those wonderful quilters! Looking at each photo takes me back to the moment and that particular experience and I remember something more about it each time.

I really think meeting so many friendly, generous quilters was one of the best things about going to Road. Every teacher relayed the attitude that if they could do it, you could do it. Every person shared information, offered assistance, moved over if you needed a seat. There were smiles, lots of laughs, oodles of positive vibes, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.


  1. sounds like a wonderful experience! Too bad about the class with Angela, although you did get to take classes with some pretty phenomenal long armers

  2. Such a great time we had in classes with these teachers. I refer to my notes quite often and should browse through my photos a little more! Especially photos of the samples they so generously shared. The weather does not feel like summer is near. Wonder if we'll have one at all if this keeps up!

  3. Sounds like Quilt Heaven! What an awesome time you had. So jealous!

  4. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauMay 30, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    It was such a great experience! And although we missed the class with Angela, the Handi Quilter people couldn’t do enough for us! We were offered Angela’s Craftsy classes 50% off, they let us use the classroom as a student from the previous day’s class showed us her class notes, they gave us dozens of Handi Quilter bags LOL, and then Angela sent us each a message of apology, her class notes and a yard of one of her fabrics! Pretty much a class act in my mind!

  5. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauMay 30, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    I should actually look at my notes..lol...I spend a lot of time with my own class samples but keep neglecting to look at theirs. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauMay 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    It was! I am addicted to these shows now...oh no! lol
