Monday, January 12, 2015

Cabin Life and Pickle Quilts

I have to be honest, sometimes by the time I complete posts for the SAQA Atlantic blog where I share moderating duties, I am blogged out. I am transitioning to a new computer as well and the aging MacBook I use for all my photo work takes soooooo long some days when I am trying to edit, watermark and post photos, that I feel like a 4 year old about to throw a tantrum. I usually end of sliding down in my rolly chair (highly technical term for an office chair, but around here, we know of what I speak), throwing back my head and doing a grotesque version of jazz hands...It isn't pretty.

I believe I have written at least a dozen posts for my own blog over the last 3 weeks...apparently all in my head and never committed to the blog. I realized that now as I completed a post for SAQA Atlantic. Wow. Reality check here. 

I could say I have been busy. Which I have been. But after an interesting conversation with my son over Christmas where he detailed his reaction to people who tell him they are busy, well, I hesitate to say that. He pointed out that as an opener, saying you are busy is the best way to stop interaction. If you are that busy, well you had best get back to what is keeping you that way. I am still pondering if that is a "big city" way of thinking as opposed to the more relaxed east coast mentality. But, best to not take chances..

So, I will just show you a couple of lovely quilts by my friend, Giselle, who made these for her very talented daughters as Christmas gifts. She requested straight lines and simple quilting, so I did my best to oblige. 

This one her daughter, a photographer, dubbed her "Pickle" quilt. It is pieced with Kona Cottons.

Giselle used a fabric she ordered from an upholstery shop for the backing. It is relatively soft with a looser weave and matches the colors of the top perfectly.
The second for her daughter, a chef, and is called Cabin Life. This is a free download from Connecting Threads and Giselle pieced hers from their beautiful flannels. Giselle provided 80/20 cotton batting and as always, I used my favorite Glide threads top and bobbin. 


  1. Ci often write posts in my head so I know exactly what you mean. We do become very 'busy' in our retirement. I need to get that post done for you too.

  2. Those quilts are beautiful-the cabin one reminds me a bit of the wool Hudson Bay blankets. I've about given up on my blog-my computer won't let me upload photos easily, and I find the ease of instagram and facebook is very alluring!

  3. beautiful quilts; I do like the straight line quilting for a change; TFX!

  4. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 16, 2015 at 10:18 PM

    Would love to have it whenever you get a chance to do it, Holly!

  5. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 16, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    Thanks, Jeanette! I wondered where you were these days - it is frustrating, isn’t it, when your equipment doesn’t keep up? I also use FB but only for family and close friends and I Instagram too, but there are issues with photo ownership so I don’t post there too, too much. I do post a lot of direct photos to my kids - I love it for that.

  6. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 16, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    Thanks, Susan!
