Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tonight was the monthly get together of the Baltimore Beauties. The nucleus of this group have been meeting every month with the exception of August and September for at least 18 years. If computers, with emails and blogging, had been a daily routine then as they are now, perhaps we would be sure of exactly how long it has been since we started meeting. My best guess is 18 years though it could even be 19....

We all began by taking instruction on the Baltimore technique from Nancy over a two year period and then someone suggested we keep on meeting. The idea was to meet, eat , drink, stitch and catch up on each others busy lives. Over the years we have had members leave, a few join, and some have taken hiatus. But, eventually most return as the pull of the shared friendship is just too great. We are supposed to work on our Baltimore quilts while at the meeting and at one point I believe a “date” was set for a showing of all finished pieces. But, I am sure that date has come and gone and still we stitch. Some of the group are more focused and have accomplished much more on their pieces than others. I happen to fall into that “others” group....but , there are reasons for it. 

I admire the techniques involved in executing a Baltimore quilt and understand the workmanship required. The points must be sharp, the stitches must be hidden, the 3 dimensional components need to be lifelike. I feel the fabric choices are crucial. The time and skill involved in completing one block for a Baltimore quilt is amazing. I really enjoy working on my blocks when I do have the time to do so and I know I have the skill level required. 

But, I have to admit, I am a part of this group so I can hang out with my friends. Over the years these women have been my sounding board more times than I can remember. They have seen me when I am exhausted from work; they have seen me when I am exhausted from being home with sick children; they have seen me when I am flying high because I found a new supplier for surface design materials; they have listened as I have excitedly shared my children’s successes as they started Montessori, then public school, then university and now more university; they have wondered out loud if I have lost my marbles when I bought a new sewing machine for too much money on the spur of the moment! They listen when I whine, when I am talking too much, when I am complaining, when I am planning, when I am happy. They listen. 

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