Saturday, May 12, 2012

Linda, a fellow Maritimer at  SCRAPMASTER has honored me with the Liebster Blog Award! I really appreciate her lovely gesture! 

Liebster is a German word meaning "dearest" or "favourite”  Here’s what you must do if you accept this award: 

  • Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them 
  • Present the award to five other blogs under 200 followers
  • Let them know by commenting on their blog
  • Post the award on your blog
Here are the blogs I have chosen to receive the Liebster Blog Award:

Holly in NB with her blog Through My Window
Nancy in NB with her blog Threaded Arts
The bloggers of the Fredericton Quilters Guild
Laura in Manitoba at Prairie Peasant
Tiffany in Ontario with her blog Quilters Workshop

You should check these blogs out. All of them showcase some amazing work!

Thanks again, Linda!

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