Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nothing like a Naysayer who is won over to the cause.....

My husband still tells the story of how I came to be enamoured with computers and the world that comes with it. My brother had bought a Commodore 64 for our children to play games on and we endorsed this gift mainly because my husband realized how great a part technology would play in their futures. I was not so supportive. 

I ignored the computer for a long time although eventually I was won over enough to play the odd game of Lode Runner (anyone else remember that one?). Still, I couldn’t see the sense of using the internet as a research tool. To me, it just wasn’t as reliable an information source as the hard copy materials at the library, or the well worn dictionary I purchased with money my grandmother gave me when I went off to university.

One evening he finally said the magic words to get me online, “I bet there is all kinds of quilting information available.” Well. He showed me how to use dial up, how to use a browser and I was off!! I stayed up until 3 am that night with my face glued to the screen and my fingers flying over the keyboard....oh my. And I am sure I didn’t sleep at all when I finally did go to bed. My life was never to be the same (and neither was his!) as he introduced me to the great world of information available anytime, anywhere with just a touch of the keyboard!

So, when I was told by numerous people that they were unable to leave comments on my blog, the research started once again. I spent quite a bit of time trying to solve this problem and I hope I have resolved it by installing Disqus. To be honest, every time I learn something new about blogging, browsers, software installation, Power point, excel, whatever - it takes me back to grade 10 biology and the almost 6 weeks it took me to totally understand the DNA/RNA protein. I remember telling my poor teacher, ‘Why didn’t you say so in the first place?’ because all of a sudden it made perfect sense! Not that I can remember any of this information now, but at the time, it was a lightbulb moment and I never forgot the impact it had on me. I learned then that my lightbulb moments would continue to be hard fought and on my own terms.

I am hoping this is another battle of mine well won. I hope my persistence in finding a solution will encourage anyone who wants to leave me a comment to do so. I know that I enjoy the convenience a computer provides and the connections I am able to make quickly, but when something doesn’t work well, I get frustrated. To me it is all about this mantra that gets me through each and every day: ease of execution. 

I can’t believe it is Wednesday again so soon and today I am joining The Needle and Thread Network. Check yourself and see who is there and what they have been up to lately!


  1. I am definitely relating to all you are saying. I needed to find a source for a favorite applique needle. The rest is history!  lol  I luv learning new things and it does take a bit to get the click to happen.  But now I have a mobile stick and I can actually watch videos.  Whoo hoo!

  2. Yep! Menopause sure hasn’t helped me in this capacity, but when I get it, I get it! And I am somewhat annoyingly tenacious when I have made up my mind. I haven’t ventured into the world of mobile sticks, but I have almost, sort of, well maybe conquered my iPhone and that feels pretty good.....haha....Thank heavens I have offspring to ask tech questions!!

  3. I was one to embrace every thing about computers as they came along.  It amazes me how the billboards developed into chat rooms and chats into blogs and forums and so on.

  4. Hey Jennifer....I hope you are getting your comments now....I sent one last time too. I live just south of the Hopewell Rocks Park.  Nice to meet you.

  5. Well, I am delighted that you are visiting! I plan on adding my email contact info as well, but change is in the air and since I will have a new address soon, I thought I would wait. I also dislike having to provide more info than I like but this forum seemed like the better of the systems I could get my head around...haha. Thanks for your input!

  6. Thanks, Marjorie! I did reply back though perhaps my message was lost in cyberspace! I am trying this forum to include all my non-blogging friends who have been repeatedly bounced out of the comments section.

  7. YAY! Thant worked fabulously Jen! Great job!:)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)                   
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´* Wishing you a MaGiCaL DaY !! *¸.•*´¨

  8. Oh, I remember the Commodore 64 and Lode Runner and many other games! And I'm glad you're savvy enough to solve the comment problem! I am a bit of an introvert, but the internet is a great way to connect with other quilters from all over the world! Glad to meet you!

  9. Thanks, Jo! Glad to hear you are feeling better!

  10. Nice to meet you, too! And so nice that you also remember Lode was actually a fun game though I rarely got further than level 11. Funny what you can remember. 

  11. Same thing here: I had worked on computers in the 80's, and while I liked that just fine couldn't see why I would want to have one at home. I finally bought one for my kids in 1999, but didn't really get interested until I bought a laptop just for me. Now I marvel at all the information and connections available - how much that would have helped with the new-baby-in-the-house loneliness.....

  12. How true! When I read some of the blogs by young moms and see the resources and support they have, I also can’t help but think how wonderful for them! It is so easy to exchange ideas and information and create and receive support. 
