Saturday, November 24, 2012

Will it go round in circles....

So, right now this is making me happy. It is not what I had “loosely" planned for the quilting design when I first loaded the quilt, but this appears to be where I am. I am really enjoying practising those little circles - which require me to be very patient. At this point, making them is very slow going.

I did take a break to get out of my jammies and go see Life of Pi in 3D and if you are considering seeing it, I recommend going. We really enjoyed it. As well as having a very compelling storyline, it is a visual feast! If you are still in the theatre when the credits start rolling, you will see just how many people were involved in creating the movie in the 3 locations of India, Taiwan and Montreal. Simply amazing. 


  1. nice that you are enjoying your longarm Jennifer...I would love one;but have no space to set on up and leave it., Plus I am poor!!!!!!!!!! lol. Have fun ....looking good!!

  2. What a striking design!

  3. I love your design! Circles are time consuming but so worth it.

  4. Thanks, Linda! I was quite anxious to get control on circles so am pleased so far.

  5. Thanks, Elle! It’s fun playing around with designs!

  6. I am trying to spend as much time as I can on it - practice, practice, practice! And it does take up a lot of space....and though it was a huge investment and I feel kind of guilty by times about the chunk of change it cost, I am happy I finally broke down and got it. Now to finish paying for it....hah......

  7. Great design! Lucky duck having a longarm! I bet it's fun too!

  8. Thanks! It is fun - I waited 14 years for this to happen and then finally bit the bullet and spent the money. I am sorry I didn’t buy one sooner but there have been so many advancements made on the machines that perhaps it was good to wait. No matter, I am enjoying it and slowly learning.
