Friday, January 11, 2013

A block

My goal these days is to keep busy. And productive. And to remember to come out of my “cave” every once in a while and have a conversation. I had several projects I needed to get completed asap and now that those are done, I need to make good on my promise to my hubby to edit the photos from our Icelandic trip. I am going to start.....soon.....

As I sewed the last stitches on a recent project, I looked over the assortment of piles near and about and remembered I had taken a kit to complete a block for the PEDVAC, a volunteer group in nearby Port Elgin. Since I have picked some very delicious blueberries in that area and because we often bike their section of the TransCanada Trail, I thought I could help out in this small way. They were collecting blocks for a bed quilt to raffle off to help raise funds for a new building.

I was reminded of many things as I stitched this block....
1. Don’t take short cuts when you applique
2. Press, and press again
3. Batiks are a bugger to applique with and I should have ordered that silk thread 
4. For heavens sake, use a new needle
5. And yes, your eyesight is slowly deteriorating, get up and get your OttLite....

Anyway, it is done. Not my best but it did encourage me to start a new Baltimore block for "the quilt that will never be finished”.

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