Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy Birthday, Gabe!

Today is my half birthday and my son’s 26th! I really have no idea how 26 years have gone by so quickly. I remember the details of his birth as if it was only yesterday....though I promised 3 years ago that I would stop regaling him with those details. He doesn’t ask much from me, so I feel it is the least I can do. But, when you become a mother, it is an experience like no other. And though women seemed to be drawn to sharing their birthing experiences, especially with new-to-be mom’s (!), our experiences are unique to us and will forever change us. I will never be the same person I was before children and I guess it is something I am compelled to keep reflecting on because for me, the change felt so profound.

We were fortunate. We were living in Goose Bay, Labrador when we had both our children. The medical system, dubbed, “cottage hospital” did have some interesting procedures that we needed to adjust to but they were minor and never awkward or an inconvenience. Some were rather liberating! Actually, one long night after I had both babies and both were sick with high fevers while I was home alone and my husband was stranded on the coast, the nurse at the hospital stayed on the phone with me until I got their fevers under control and both were asleep.....I haven’t had that kind of service from the medical system since I arrived in NB.

Having mid-wives for both births was hands down the best health care you could ask for. I wasn’t sick, I wasn’t pampered, I was having a child and they knew what I needed and when. My husband was allowed to stay in the labour room with me - they actually made up a bed for him - he helped me shower and then he walked with me to the delivery room. After Gabe was born, the news went through the community like wildfire and the visitors started showing up at the delivery room door moments later while the attending R2 and my hubby sat eating a bag of chips beside me and our new son. 

July 1989
Ahhhh, but time has passed and the 26 years have flown by. It has been wonderful watching my sweet son grow and mature and turn into the confident,  talented, generous of spirit and heart young man that he is. He is quiet by nature and sensible by default. The last year has been a difficult one for him in many ways and he has dealt with it all with a quiet strength that I am in awe of. He lives too far away from me, but I understand. I enjoy every second I do get to spend with him, whether it is in person or via technology. He is out making his way in this world and I couldn’t be prouder. I love him like no other. xoxox

October 2012

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