Thursday, July 4, 2013

Some summer projects

The most recent project to come off my longarm is a piece my son designed that I am interpreting into fabric for him. We are creating a wall hanging for his apartment and clean lines appeal to him. So, when it came time to quilt the piece, I stayed with horizontal lines of stitching spaced equally apart. I quilted around each design element as well and that means I have a lot of thread ends to bury. A LOT of ends.

I also sewed up a cushion for my daughter, using her brother’s owl drawing with a minor change in color. I added my dyed fabric to his drawing printed on a fabric sheet. She likes purple so we went with that palette for this cover. I cheat when it comes to pillow forms - I simply cut up full size pillows into the size that suits my covers. That way I am not restricted to the standard commercial pillow from sizes. 


  1. So neat!!

  2. Very nice--both you and your son are talented! So wonderful to be able to translate ideas into fabric.

  3. Thanks! I will be glad to get all those ends buried! Too hot the last few days to sit with on my lap doing that! lol

  4. Thanks so much, Margaret! These collaborative projects are really fun!

  5. Such a creative family! I like both pieces, particularly your sons design! Neat that you have long arm for your horizontals lines. I'm in the midst of of cross hatching with even lines....sure is hard!

  6. Thanks so much! I am really enjoying working with my son’s designs. It is interesting to see how much technology has freed up his creativity. He enjoys pencil and charcoal, but how messy can that be when you are a lefty? He also works long hours. but his ipad makes working at pieces so much easier. And yes, that horizontal and vertical setting on my longarm sure makes quick work of straight lines. Good luck with your cross hatching! Love to see it when you are finished!

  7. Lovely interpretations in fabric!! Great creativity!! Love my very fine crochet hook for hiding thread ends!

  8. Thanks, Lorette! See my latest blog post for the finished piece. Gabe is really pumped to see his work up interpreted this way!
