Wednesday, December 18, 2013

1 and 1/2 inch strips of goodness!

Any time I have to be creative these days seems to spent either in front of my longarm, or, with a pair of knitting needles in my hands. I am merely a competent knitter, leaving the really creative knitting to my sister, Joanne. I have a couple of standard sock and mitt patterns that I use repeatedly (my sock pattern is so worn, I have packing tape on one side to hold it all together and no, I can’t knit from memory..). 

I have completed quilting another quilt before my kids get home for a Christmas break. This top was made by another local quilting friend and she is actually the woman who gave me my first quilting classes. When we first moved to NB, I left behind a solid group of friends in our little community in Goose Bay, Labrador and I was anxious about keeping busy and making some new connections. My husband’s job took him away long hours (which was slightly ironic because we had moved here so we would have more time to spend together as a family..) and I was kind of house bound with two little ones only 17 months apart. So, I signed up for a quilting class through the local community college and a swimming class at the Y. The swimming was all I needed it to be, but the quilting class didn’t get enough participants for it to be a go. When I asked, the college wouldn’t give out the instructors contact info but they would have her call me (a strange privacy issue in a city of 130,000 where her name is synonymous with quilting).

Well, she did call me and for three glorious hours we chatted and made connections and I found a new friend. While we chatted, my two darling toddlers mopped the kitchen and hallway floors and helped themselves to a cheerio snack! Remember, twenty years ago phones were on cords and my range of motion was about 10 feet in any direction..I could see the chaos occurring but knew the mess would be worth the time it took to tidy up. As a result of that call, she decided to give a class at home and so began my foray into the world of quilting.

Her lovely top is the result of a challenge to use up an extensive collection of 1.5 inch strips given to her.
I used Lava, a variegated thread on the top, a navy thread on the back and stitched some evolving clamshells over the entire surface.

I really enjoy being on that side of my machine and watching the design as it grows.
I am not sure who will be receiving this lovely quilt, but I know they will enjoy the calm, yet scrappy feel this quilt has.

The Needle and Thread Network will be taking a short holiday break, so I am joining them today..

Ah, I just got word she loves it so much, she is keeping it!! Great news!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this Jennifer! Such a pretty quilt and an honor to be quilting it for a dear friend and teacher! You did a great job quilting it!

  2. Thank, Lorette! It was a fun, relaxing quilt to stitch. I know I had the easier job - all those little strips to sew...oh my. I was so happy my friend likes it so well she is planning on keeping it for herself! That’s the best!

  3. The quilt sparkles with color! What an intriguing design.
    Great story! I remember my kids getting into all kinds of mischief when the phone rang!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks, Holly! I hope your daughter beats the bad weather and gets home safely. You must be excited to have all your children home for the holiday. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. Lovely quilt, and great story, I love to know how people started on their quilting journey. For me, it was a quilt shop in the office building where I worked-and my homesickness for my Mom. All the ladies who worked there were so kind and motherly, which was just what my 22 year old self needed!

  6. What a wonderful way to enter the quilting world, Jeanette! Quilters are so open and giving and I think we all feel a sense of home when we enter a quilt shop. So happy you had those wonderful women in your life!
