Friday, January 16, 2015

Full Disclosure

These are two views of my dining room. Kind of a before and after..haha I was hosting a planning meeting so had to tidy up this first shot so we could sit at the table. Not even a half hour after everyone had left, the room looked like the second photo. And it isn’t the only room I work in..My excuse? I am working on some techniques and surface treatments as I create fabric for some designs I have going on. 

I am part of the organizing committee for one of my guild’s annual retreats, so there is a pile of materials and props and goodies accumulating in another room upstairs. It is sharing space with the Christmas things I still haven’t sorted and stored again for this year. Maybe I should get to that..

My long arm takes up the back half of our living room, cuddled in next to our treadmill and my beloved spin bike.

I have a room full of fabric, materials and tools downstairs..

I try to contain everything, but I tend to spill over and over into the other spaces in the house. I prefer to work in natural light and when I can’t work on either of my decks (boo! winter), the dining room is perfect for sewing and painting, catching sun from the east, south and west. 

How lucky am I that I am married to a very understanding man. He is used to dirty paint pots and brushes lying by the kitchen sick, dye tubs and rags sitting on the washer, bundles of knitting projects scattered here and there, rug hooking that sits in the living room, plus all that other clutter that comes with me. And he cooks..


  1. Oh, how lucky you are! He cooks! Mine is pretty patient too. I tend to spill over into every room, although not as much as you? Mine doesn't cook though.

  2. Love the before and after! I'm the same way - being creative is not a neat process for me, and while they recommend tidying up between projects, that seldom actually happens! Your hubbie sounds like a real keeper. - and he cooks!

  3. How very lucky you are!! I am always getting heck for encroaching on so many areas of the house. And I could never leave dirty paint brushes in the sink... they'd be thrown out!

  4. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 21, 2015 at 10:34 PM

    I am lucky, aren't I! I quit cooking on a schedule when our two kids went off to university. I will cook periodically (if the mood strikes me), but I can just as happy eating a bowl of cereal, or eggs and spinach. Besides not being as fond of spinach and greens as me, he enjoys cooking, so it is a win-win for us!

  5. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 21, 2015 at 10:39 PM

    Glad to hear I am not the only one!! I find if I am tidying up, that means I am procrastinating on working on a project I should be giving my attention to. Cleaning is a delay tactic for me..or it means I am stressed. As for my hubby's kitchen skills - when we lived in Labrador and attended lots of potlucks (since restaurants were at a minimum and expensive), I got used to our women friends calling for my hubby's cheesecake recipes! Hmmm...he should bake one of those. Think I will empower him and pick up the supplies!

  6. Jennifer Scantlebury VienneauJanuary 21, 2015 at 10:43 PM

    I am lucky! I had a girlfriend tell me as she glanced around at my chaotic rooms that her husband would never put up with it. I told my hubby what she said and he replied,' what messes?? You are creative, that's all!' Honestly, he surprised even me when he said that! I think he has just given up after all these years - or maybe he knows now to pick his battles..
